Monday, January 25, 2010

012510 - Day 15 of 365

Today I stepped into experimenting with handwritten words as texture. It's interesting to see what shows up when you begin 'free-flow' writing. I guess I'd have to say this was 'pseudo free writing' as I had a basic question/topic in mind as I began.

The question is a simple that truly fascinates me, the idea/question of,..
"How do you know what you don't know?"

So many of us seem to travel through life determined to hang onto our definition of how things just 'are'. Yet, how is it that we would know (with such certainty) these things to be true?

A practice I sometimes apply to things when I catch myself saying-- "Now that is a bunch of B.S.!!" is to stop and consider the question... What if it were absolutely the truth? After getting past that fact that I would 'be wrong' (which is one thing none of us very willingly do),.. I can then begin to play out scenarios of what 'would be', or what 'might be' if that 'thing' I was so quick to resist were actually true. From there it's a pretty quick path to seeing things that I hadn't seen or considered before-- it stretches my thinking. Which in turn often offers me significant insights and/or greater understanding. Usually I don't find myself to completely change my position but I do usually 'shift' and see the world with a much greater awareness.

Today's question:
"What do you know?"

So-- I thought I had really BIG NEWS for you today-- I put together a video of tonight's painting (my editing abilities are still quite bit rough,.. but I LOVE the energy of it and the idea that you can now see how some of this things come about) but unfortunately when I uploaded it the image quality got hammered and the sound dropped out : - ( I guess I've got a little more to learn-- but at least I'm one step closer!

I really have to work on getting a better camera to shoot my still images. The fine detail and texture in this piece is amazing!

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