Monday, February 15, 2010

021110 - Day 32 of 365 - 'Days Confused'

OK - I've had a zillion distractions over the last few days and it seems that I've gotten my days confused,... which I'm fine with.. as it's much better than being Dazed and Confused no? It seems I got a little 'Off' on just what day it was.. what I called 30 was actually 31, etc. etc. But besides a few conflicting titles in the videos (adjacent to the paintings) it's no big deal, and certainly nothing to stress over, I'll see to it that the correct days/dates will be represented in these blog titles-- See, easy fix!

With relatives in town and a girlfriend suffering from terrible pulled back muscle, I have allowed myself some forgiveness as to making my posted every day,.. But, I haven't allowed my painting habit to drop off at all!

I'll quickly fill in the days images, soon upload new videos of the painting sessions, and start soon share some great book references and links toward more ways to be aware of and develop your own unique creative abilities.

More soon-

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