Thursday, January 14, 2010

011410 - Day 4 of 365

Ahhhhhh-- so, so many things to experiment with. That's one of the secrets, risk,.. BIG risks!

This is probably a good time to share just a bit about my method(s). Once you see the videos it'll be obvious,.. I don't use brushes (or traditional materials now that I think about it),.. I paint with my hands. Yes, my hands, paper towels, and many little odds-n-ends that I use to rub, scratch, smear, scrape-- all various ways to mix and remove the paint from the surface.

People often ask,
"You're hands. (awkward pause)..? You're,.. Not serious,.. Are you?"

Once they realize the answer is yes, the next obvious question usually is,
"Now why in the hell would you do that?"

The answer is pretty simple,.. to have less control.

You see, when I use,.. let's say 'less crude' tools, I have greater control. And with greater control comes more 'expected' results. Mostly because when I have a tool that I can control, I want to do just that, control it. By receding to very basic and crude tools, I lose most of the control,.. which in turn leads to many (many, many) more mistakes,.. which as disheartening and frustrating as they can often appear, usually lead me to places I would have never otherwise gone. Which (in the end) I like. (Funny, when you think about it,.. it's a lot like life eh?)

No, it's not a method for everybody-- but it is the one for me.

Thanks for dropping by-

Today's words:
'journey' and 'go'

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