Friday, January 15, 2010

011510 - Day 5 of 365

It's funny that I just wrote about risk last night-- it really stuck with me today.

I think it's good to constantly remind ourselves to say 'Yes' to risk... it keeps life fresh, exposes us to ourselves. Yet, it's just so, soo, sooo tempting to follow the path of that which we already know.

So here's to 'wandering' into risk,.. wandering into (discovering) myself. Consider coming along,.. it's a great journey.

Today's word:

I'm still workin' on working out the video aspects of this project. Not to worry,.. I'll work it out and deliver. It's part of my vision,.. to (help) 'motivate and inspire,.. There's just something about seeing/watching someone truly create something new. I find it fascinating,.. and hope you will too.

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